Monday, 6 October 2014

wb. 29/9/2014

What a busy week we have had in Year 1! As well as continuing our daily Read Write Inc and Maths sessions, we have been discovering more about Great Preston’s past and researching information to find out what Mining was like 100 years ago! In Science, we have been learning about the five different animal groups including mammals, reptiles, fish, birds and amphibians and have worked together to sort out lots of different animals into the correct groups. We have also been designing our own fruit salads in preparation for making them next week. Well done Year 1!

Speaker of the week: Evie Barrow
Writer of the week: Isaac Khan

Citizens of the week: Harrison Dibb and Jaxen Smith

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Week 5 - 22.09.2014

What another busy week! In Year 1 we have enjoyed doing more tricky maths with Mr Tricky Toucan, and practising our number bonds to 10 and 20, and counting in 2s and 5s! In topic, we have found out more information about our past, the past of people in Great Preston village and the toys children use to play with by inferring old photographs. We have also been busy preparing products for a fruit salad in our quest to make school lunches healthier!
Well done to our Citizens of the week: Isabel Lock and Baylee Brown

Speaker of the week: Charlotte Nottingham, for speaking confidently in class discussions.
Writer of the week: Cerys Coolican, for excellent writing when inferring photos from the past.

Sunday, 21 September 2014


Thank you so much for helping the children to settle in so quickly. They have coped well with the change from reception class to Year 1.
Miss Paynes

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Looking after our environment

Year 1 made some thoughtful and eye-catching posters this week. Keep an eye out around school for these reminders of how to look after our environment. My personal favourite - Keep Your Cloakroom Tidy! :)

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Fantastic story writing this week Year 1, well done! We've been thinking about special people today - those we see every day and some we haven't seen for a while and miss very much!! We send our happy thoughts to the lovely people who help to make our class a special place.

Friday, 31 January 2014

Well done to our gardeners for braving the weather today! Keep your onions wrapped up in the dark compost until the weather gets a bit warmer and then you can plant them in the ground with their tips peeping out. Let me know how your Narcissi are getting on!

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Fabulous fruit

Years 1 and 2 joined forces on Wednesday and we had a fabulous time tasting some unusual fruits as part of our writing topic. “Delicious”, “scrumptious”, “slippery” and “astonishing” were some of the wonderful words the children thought of. I was so proud of them as they all tasted something new – even some of the fruits they really weren’t at all sure of...passion fruit are very surprising!

Friday, 24 January 2014

African Drumming Day

Wow! What a wonderful day we all had with the drums. There was lots of learning across the day with your art work too. Perhaps we could show it to Mrs Simpson?

I am so proud of your behaviour and lovely manners that you showed across the day. Well done Year 1!!
Mrs Milton

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Mrs Milton

We have enjoyed a lovely afternoon working on our topic with Y2 class. We have been looking at the Zambian artefacts that were sent into school by Charli's Grandma in Y1. Thank you for sharing them with us the children really enjoyed looking at them.